My Malignant Melanoma

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Sunday, 28 July 2013


Stage 4 Survivor

I received a communication from a blogger who has survived stage 4 MM since 2009, (an increasingly common class of people since the new drugs came in). 

"I wanted to add your link to my page.. I am a stage 4 melanoma survivor and was given 6-9 months in 2009 June. I have been NED for over 3 years and 4 months.
I need to add international links because I have received several e-mail questions about treatment centers in Europe and elsewhere for clinical trials. Would you have any resources you would share? We have to look up clinical trials. 

I also had a many stages of melanoma do the medical society use over there...we only have 0, 1,2,3,4  and I noticed someone posted “stage 5” in the US we don’t have a stage 5"

Last things first, the post about stage V MM was missing an "I", it was supposed to be stage IV. If there were a stage which was classed as V, there would usually only be one thing you could do,  to quote Miracle Max: "Go through his clothes and look for loose change". Apologies for this, and for my gallows humour to anyone who doesn't share it.

As far as resources are concerned, I believe that the best place to look at them moment for links is the MIF forum here.The MRF/MPIP forum allows posting of harmful nonsense about alternative medicine, and what is effectively advertising for Mexican quack clinics and I would strongly disrecommend it.

I am unaware of any private clinics in the UK which are as good as the NHS centres of excellence: Christies in Manchester and The Royal Marsden in London amongst other places. NHS treatment away from these centres of excellence can be poor, and the new drugs may not be offered. Before the  new drugs, surviving Stage 4 for a year was very rare indeed.

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